It's been a long and crazy day -- work was a zoo with everyone complaining and more paperwork than usual, though I had some really nice patient treatments. After work, I stopped for a sandwich for dinner at Panera before this PT Town Hall Meeting thing, and the cashier said "we'll bring it out to you." 15 minutes later, I walk up to the counter and there it is, sitting and waiting FOR me. Possible I could have heard wrongly, but I don't think I did... grr. The Town Hall Meeting was a little informative but mostly seemed like a ploy for APTA membership, which I already have paid my dues for. Got gas, came home, did dishes, took care of the things around the house that needed to be done tonight, checkeded my emails, and now it's time for bed. But before I do that, here are five positive things about my day so this entry isn't 100% whiny.
- Good relaxed annual review with one of my PTAs this AM
- Delicious Trader Joe's organic dark chocolate truffle bar to nibble while I do my online things
- Gas is down to $2.15/gallon!
- Contacts are still feeling good in my eyes at 10:04 PM
- Lina was happy to see me when I got home and made squeaky noises