thefridayfive 1. Could you live without your phone for 1 week for $500? YES.
2. Whom do you talk to on the phone the most? Probably Erin or Kate.
3. Whom do you no longer talk to on the phone but wish you still did? It's rare that Meg & I get to catch up -- so I'll go with her.
4. If you could get ahold of one celebrity phone number, whose digits would you want? Um, I'll call Britney Spears and tell her to stop messing up. And then I'll ask where she is, so I can avoid getting run over by her.
5. Do you talk on the phone more or less than you used to? Less, I would say.
sparklesalad and I are continuing to have a nice visit here, playing around Southern California -- here are a few teaser pictures until I post more over the weekend!