Jun 14, 2005 10:02
ok, seriously now. there is no use sitting here listenin' to cat power and eating shit.
eating is for dicks. (pardon the pun)so i live ten million miles away in fish town.
i have 2 kids, and i fall in love with everyman that crosses my path. obviously .
starved of affct8ion, and in need of therepy, can't differenitaite love from sex.
love sex. i want sex all day.. is it bc i am in need of love? actually how sick am i?
i have these thoughts, then the obsessor sets in " but we are so perfect together"
yes, we fucking are. but does'nt mean i should throw myself to the floor and eat cheese.
let me at least get a drinking habit. yes, it was perfect. yes, it has been perfect before.
yes it was fucking perfect with someone else 3 days later. what the fuck is my problem?
perhaps it's geographical. maybe i should move to california... sunny california.
there is just not enough energy here to generate (what it is i need?)
i really fucking dig matt . (and strangely haha ) also dig that porno guy , too. such stellar men.
they are great and good, and with such brains and brawn between them , a woman would be happy forever.
oh , yes, yes. i like the deep voices of these old men , and how they say uh huh.
so cute. how he clung to me in leep, and how we talked so honestly and he called me
a sex angel come just to relieve him his terrible tensions, but how sad that only made me.
a walking tragedy, softly crying out, a beacon pulsing through the drakness, take me home, give me love,
for i am empty, shaved to the bone. i listened to his strumming . songs in the shower.
sure , they will remember me well, and i must not let my heart tear me up, but then i wonder,
what a risk to lose sentiment!, and how i wish to always have a huge ( tho not gaping) heart.
let me love you.