Apr 06, 2005 19:55
I filled out 4 cancellation notices today. NIU,ISU,Indiana, and Iowa.
I'm still simply amazed that 5 schools accepted me;that 5 schools wanted me to be there. They wanted me for whatever reason they felt that I belonged there. I'm sure someone is reading this going "get over your self, your no one speical. Those schools accept thousands of students every year" Well I don't care about other people, I care about myself. At this time last year I had no intention of actually going to college. I seriously thought about going to community college. I never would have guessed that in a million years I would have gotten accepted to 1 big ten school let alone 3. I'm sure I sound, boastful of myself,stuck-up, arrogant, but I don't meant to be. It's just...Woah.
I saw Michigan States campus and my mind went blank. The whole time I was there I couldn't stop smiling, I was a smilin' fool. The only other time I felt like that was at Wash U, and when I was rejected I never thought I would feel like that again, but I did, I felt even better becasue MSU is beautiful, and full of life and energy and some place where I could see myself walking to classes, going to my dorm,sitting in the quad reading, or playing frizbee with my friends. I haven't been this happy about something since....I can't even rememeber the last time I've felt like this. Woah.
6 more weeks, then MSU will be my home for the next 4 years, maybe more (Grad school)