Nov 06, 2006 22:22
Busy from 6:30 am to 10:15 pm. Holy moly... got lots done. When I got home with Miss M. I said something about election day. She asked "You're going to vote?" I was floored. Is she really just seven? Then I asked what she knew about it. She said they are reading President Duck. I said it's not a presidental election.
"I know. It's for the govenor"
I ask "Who's running?"
"I forget. She told us, but I forgot"
Just last night she told me I'm grumpy when I'm tired, hungry or need my coffee. I haven't had coffee for a while.
I reviewed a paper and my advisor is the editor, so I'm afraid to submit the review. I'm actually kind of pissed at myself for the second year not getting a paper done and submitted. The conference is in ROME!!! How sweet would that be. Besides going to Italy, my friends in Austria could have visited me there. I'm a dummy. NO, not really. I'm just burning the candle at both ends and have a bunsen burner on the middle of the candle as well. I need to get to my research for me and for my group. Tomorrow comes too soon and will be too busy. I should get some sleep because after having worked from 8:25-4:15 STRAIGHT! and then Tae Kwon Do, then stopping only to re-fuel and drive Miss M to gymnastics, where I worked from 7:30-8:30, then at home.... 9-10:15 phone calls and work. Time for sleep. I deserve it. I hope the mt. dew I nad to combat the headache doesnt' keep me a awake all night.
Sleep... just do it... go now... i'm still typing...