A Song of Oh God and Make It Stop, more like.

Apr 16, 2012 21:03

About halfway through A Game of Thrones at this point, and it's really an interesting exercise. I never rewatched the first season of GoT like I'd been meaning to, so I can't really tell if certain little details are new to me because I forgot them or because they never made it into the show in the first place.

The thing that's really getting to me, though, is of course the prior knowledge. Which I'm really glad I have, because otherwise, if I didn't know the kind of series this is, then I would be about a billion times more crushed than I already know I'm going to be. It's stupid, but the thing is, when Ned in all his infinitely naive hope starts imagining the world how it could be, if somehow everything went right and all was good and wonderful again...I can see it. Worse, I can feel it, floating just out of reach, and it's so appealing that I almost want to believe in it, because if this were any other series then it would happen by the end.

But this is not any other series, and knowing what I know, it's equal parts exciting and terrifying watching the plot unravel because I know. I KNOW. And it's awful trying and failing to stop getting invested in these characters when I know what's coming for them, be it in a hundred pages or four books, and I can't stop it happening to them, and the poor little things just have no idea that what's left of their lives is going to turn to absolute shit and there's nothing they or anyone else can do about it, and nothing will ever be nice or bright or happy again and no one will ever see each other again and everything will be terrible and and ;________________;


Goddammit, GRRM. Goddammit.


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