You've gotta be kidding me

Apr 11, 2010 18:17

Someone commented on a KOI quad squad vid with this:

I can see only 3 kings and 1 queen:))

Just...fucking...I am trying very hard not to throw something across the room right now. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS KIND OF SHIT STILL ALLOWED???

Like, ok, I ~get it~, and yes, I've called him Princess J too, but don't you fucking dare disrespect him like that. (Just so we're all clear, I mean "disrespect" as in "imply that he is somehow lesser in status/athleticism/ability than the other three with a possible homophobic connotation", not as in "imply that he is gay".)


Moving on. I'm glad that 044 is done, but that just means that the studying will have to start soon - not looking forward to it. Also not looking forward to reading for 17.561, or studying for 9.59, or putting together the 042 presentation, or really anything related to school. But on the other hand, it's pretty wonderful outside today, so I'm going to try and focus on that instead. Yay for Boston getting its act together!

school, boston, teh gay, rant, figure skating

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