Paris, why fall?

Feb 26, 2010 12:29

This video has a lot of truth in it, and it pisses me the fuck off. I'm not going to pretend like I ever followed men's figure skating hard core, but it's always been kinda obvious that there's this enormous disconnect between how the officials want it to be this rugged, masculine thing, but in the end it's just a lot of pretty jumps and spins. (Of course, the pretty jumps and spins take enormous strength, talent, and athletic skill to pull off, which I think a lot of people forget sometimes.) So yeah, male figure skating is not, and never was, some refuge of the manly men, but I never noticed just how ingrained the homophobia actually is until I learned about Johnny Weir this year.

Because no matter who this guy is or how he acts, he was the fucking US champion for three years in a row, so for people to drop that description in favor of the word "flamboyant" is really disgusting. And I hate that people are allowed to get away with it because he makes old straight guys uncomfortable. (Especially you, NBC commentators. Have some fucking dignity and respect.) It's...god, I don't even know what to say about this. I just don't understand how this kind of thinking even exists anymore, I guess. I mean, I understand just fine, I just don't get it, how society has made these huge strides and yet is so fucking backwards when it comes to homosexuality. (Yes, I know, there's still a long way to go regarding race and gender issues, but even casual sexism is being called out more often these days, whereas homophobia is completely tolerated in the mainstream.)

Ugh, I hate thinking about shit like this, because it just makes me really upset and angry, and there's nothing I can do about it, except hope that when my generation is running the world things will be different.

Anyway, while I'm already talking about Johnny, I finally started watching Be Good Johnny Weir last night, and...oh my god, he is so precious. Fairly ridiculous at times, but you just can't help loving him. It's really bittersweet to watch it after Vancouver, though, because every time he said "I want to be Olympic champion", all I could do was wince and think "you tried, bb, you tried :(" I loved seeing how the Johnny vs. Evan thing started when they were 12 years old, though, because that's amazing. To be honest, I think that men's figure skating was the most exciting this about the Olympics this year. Yeah, I'm a little ashamed that I never even watched the women, but I wasn't expecting the men's race to grab me like it did, so once it was over I was kind of figure-skated out, as it were. Ah well, I guess most of this crop is retiring anyway, so I'll be a bit less biased when Sochi rolls around.

But yeah, Johnny's pretty adorable. He's pretty pretty, too. He actually confuses me a lot, sometimes, because I'm not sure whether I just think he's this funny, fierce guy or whether I'm attracted to him. Which is weird. So: confusion. At any rate, I'm glad the other episodes of his show are only half an hour - I didn't realize that the first one was actually this srs bzns documentary, so I was like "wtf, what kind of show has 80-minute episodes?" I'll get around to it once I'm caught up on Project Runway, I guess, because I'm now a full month behind, which is ridiculous. I just keep getting distracted by, like, the P4 kink meme and all this Plushy/Lysacek/Weir/Lambiel whateverness (I'd say drama, but a lot of it isn't drama, exactly - more that things keep getting posted to ONTD and stan wars are always hilarious). Well, Plushy actually is full of drama, but whatever, "Platinum of Vancouver" should ALWAYS be a meme. And, you know, "Sex Bomb". And the hip roll.

...disturbing. Ok, I'm going to go make food now, and then it's recitation and psetting for most of the afternoon. Good times, good times.

tv, olympics, school, fangirling, teh gay, rant, figure skating

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