I thought we agreed that it's too small for you

Jan 15, 2010 14:20

It's beautiful today. I don't think I've ever been so glad to see that it's 40 degrees out, but that's what living in the north will do to you. I very nearly went on a walk earlier, but I was hungry and it's probably for the best that I stay on campus today, what with the Gondry thing and all.

My current TechCash balance is $111.11, which makes me happier than it should. I just find stuff like that terribly pleasing. It's like that time in Virginia, when our total for the groceries was $25 even, and Allison and I were so excited that she took a picture of the display with her phone, because yes, it is possible to be that dorky. I even held on to the receipt, because really, how often does that happen?

Anyway. Let's talk TV for a bit. Proyecto du is back where it belongs (NYC 4eva!!!), and I already really like this crop. Anthony is kind of too gay to function (yes I finally watched Mean Girls yesterday stfu) fabulous to exist, I feel for Jesus (who looks like Isaac), poor kid, Ping is...Ping (because there's always one, amirite?), and in my head I'm referring to Seth Aaron as "Glambert" because he looks JUST LIKE HIM, WTF? I'm actually kinda upset that he didn't win. I mean, I like Emilio, and his dress was really good, but I liked the top much more than the skirt and I found the weird purple excursions a bit much. Seth Aaron's had that awesome pop-punk aesthetic and it was so full of zippers it liked like something that would be worn by a Kingdom Hearts character. I thought it was awesome. What struck me the most about the runway show, however, was how fucking boring so may of those dresses were. Like, if I have to see another stupid minidress with a full skirt I might just have to kill myself. Come on, people, this is Project Runway! Get creative or go home!

Mom continues to be a Who fangirl. I can't describe in words how that makes me feel, but it's some cross between giddy and amused. And she's so into it, too, it's great. Like, cried at the end of "Doomsday" into it. And then, because she's been spoiled by knowing about Series 4 and having seen all the specials from "Planet of the Dead" onward, so she's always saying stuff like "yeah, I watched 'The Runaway Bride', but then I got confused because season 3 is with the black girl, so where does Donna go?" and...just...heeeeeeeeeeeee. I love her so much.

Hokay, I'mma go do something else now. Probably watch more RDJude interviews, if I'm being honest, but goddamn, those two are really too effing cute, I don't understand it. Or maybe I'll give P4 another go. (I'm finally, finally at the real and true boss battle, and I need to design some kind of counter-measure against Almighty attacks, because jesus, the bitch killed me in one go when I was at nearly full HP, so idk what to do. Maybe leaving Naoto-kun out was a mistake, since Almighty is kinda one of her things, but the girl runs through SP waaaaay too much. I guess I could always tell her to conserve it or something, but then she'd be stuck using Deathbound ad infinitum and I'd be stuck constantly healing her and shit. Maybe I'll take Chie instead of Yosuke, idk idk. Can you tell I have no idea how to beat this thing?) Well, either way, I've only got about 3 and a half hours left before it's Gondry time, and I'll be doing that until 10 or so. Ugh, stupid LSC stuff, preventing me from being at home. And classes start in two weeks, holy hell.

So basically, I'm kind of all over the place right now, and I'm kind of ok with that. For now.

tv, people, random, boston, dorky, persona 4, d-dubs/t-dubs

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