Can I just say something here?

Jan 05, 2010 21:24

I love Top Gear. I really, well and truly love it. Adore it, even. A lot because of the fast, pretty cars and the ridiculous, hilarious stunts, challenges, and races. Plenty because of the specials (Bolivia was great, but Vietnam will forever hold my soul).

But mostly because of the boys. I mean. They're just so...them. And it's lovely. Like in the final episode of series 14 when Richard and Jeremy had a race, and then James was trying to introduce Jeremy's film and Richard goes and crashes onto the stage behind him, and...oh, boys. I love them something terrible.

So yeah, this post has no meaning. I was just catching up on the squee posts on TGS after having watched the series finale and wandered over to the website to try to find the message boards, but I couldn't, so I watched some backstage clips on instead, and that, my friends, is what prompted this silly love fest.

Because that is what it is. Love. I love Top Gear. Obvious, but there you go.

Right now, it looks like I'll be spending IAP working on and off. In between the working, I'll be doing stuff for LSC, watching more GX (oh god I have to watch the dub now DDDDD:), finally finishing P4 right this time, and various other fannish pursuits. I'm also going to go watch Sherlock Holmes again tomorrow, because I want to and I can. And then I'll come back and do LSC stuff. And then the day after I'll go back to work. And so it will go for the rest of the month.

...god, this was a stupid post, and I should feel stupid for posting it. I'll just be going back to my world of TG!love, then.

fangirling, random, top gear

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