This is yet another post (mostly) about YGO

Dec 22, 2009 22:42

Here's how much GX has screwed me up - I'm starting to think of Kaiba as "Kaiba-sama". I never liked him as much as all that, but I'm just so desperate for any glimpse of home, as it were, that I get really excited when I see a hint of him (or Kaibaman, I suppose) showing up. (Speaking of Kaibaman, I'd really like to see the conversation between him and Pegasus that went down:

Kaiba: I want to be a card.
Pegasus: What?
Kaiba: You heard me, old man. I want to be on a card so that I will LIVE FOREVER and duelists EVERYWHERE will KNOW MY LEGACY and BOW DOWN BEFORE MY AWESOMENESS.
Pegasus: ...
Kaiba: Look, just do it, ok?
Pegasus: But if I'm going to make someone into a card, shouldn't it be Yugi-boy? He is the best, after all, and-
Kaiba: Don't be ridiculous. Do you know how stupid "Yugiman" sounds?
Pegasus: ...fair enough. Here's your damn card.
Kaiba: ...awesome.

Only, you know, with more dramatic hand flailing and all that.)

But the thing is, I don't really hate GX, or Judai. I actually like Judai when he's around everyone else, despite how annoying he is. Sure, I like Sho and Hayato and MANJOUME SANDAAAA~ more, but I like Judai too. When I start hating him is whenever he duels, because I hate his attitude and his cards and those freaking Elemental Heroes and the way he says "gotcha" and all of it. I just. hate him. so much.

But then there are things like Episode 34, with the hot springs and stealing Sho's towel and Manjoume crossing his legs like a prissy little girl and the epic gay wrestling and KAIBAMAN, so I can't hate the series entirely. I mean, yeah, I'd rather have more about Yugi and all them, because they're what I know, but I guess this'll do.

...just don't ask me how I feel while he's dueling, because you'll just get a towering inferno of rage thrown at you.

Anyway, in less dorky news, I've been thoroughly enjoying my holiday break. I'm slowly beginning to catch up on my sleep, and I spent all weekend at home with my puppies, which is my absolute favorite way to be. I'm back at MIT to work today and tomorrow, but then I'll be home again. And next week I leave for C'ville! Ugghhhhh, can't wait. It'll even be worth the overnight train ride during which I will not sleep a wink. Seriously, I'm so happy about this trip. And then I'll come back to spend IAP (hopefully) getting in shape and making some money and trying to put myself together again before next semester. It'll be good. And maybe, just maybe, if I do nothing but watch GX and 5D's, I'll be caught up in time for the inevitable fansub of the movie. And then I can possibly put this fandom behind me once and for all. (And then, you know, come back in four years, because it seems I can't stay away, and I'm not so sure that's a bad thing anymore.)

ygo, random

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