Two days off, hells yeah!

Nov 10, 2009 20:20


But really, I've legit been looking forward to Series 14 for months. CANNOT WAIT FOR SUNDAY. Especially now that Mad Men's over (gotta watch that finale ahhhhh).

Watching Dance right now. I'm so over so many of these people, but I also kinda love some of them. Idk, it's Dance. (So, like, Ashleigh reeeeeeeally bothers me and I couldn't figure out why and then I realized it's because she looks just like Evangeline Lily, and I'm sure she's nice and all but every time I look at her (or Ashleigh) I see Kate and then the BLINDING RAGE happens. But her partner is Jakob who is UH-MAY-ZING, no, seriously UH-MAY-ZING and their dancing is good so then I kinda don't mind her? But she still bothers me. And then there's Crying Girl and Mollee's Friend and MOLLEE, JESUS CHRIST THE ANNOYING, IT BURNS and she has to be paired with Nathan, who is somehow jailbait-licious even though he's turned 18 and there's something...interesting about his face and for some reason it reminds me of Gackt and I can't figure out if that's why I think he's all yummy or not (and there's still the not!jailbait thing and god, I'm 21 so I just feel skeevy thinking about teenagers now) but yeah, I hate that they're paired together because she's SO ANNOYING and he's WONDERFUL. And RYAN, CHRIST, RYAN. GOD DAMN, HIS HEAD IS SO WEIRDLY SMALL AND HE CAN'T KEEP HIS SHIRT ON AND HE REMINDS ME OF JOEY FROM FRIENDS AND HE NEEDS TO JUST STOP ALREADY.)
/thoughts on yaoi
//kind of
///not really

Hmm. Lunch with mom tomorrow, and then I should really start studying for this 032 test, because damn, me and the test-taking are not getting along so well these days. Also, 18.06 pset. And Dust and fucking Illusions on Thursday. UGH, GAG ME NOW.

tv, school, top gear

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