You grew up in the 90s like I grew up in the 80s

Sep 30, 2009 02:36

Wtf, 5 Hour Energy?? You're failing me! I'm nearly drifting off listening to piano rock on Pandora! I am so very disappoint.

Current plan: go to cluster at 3 for a) MATLAB bit of 18.06 pset and b) cold air on the face = WAKE UP.

Seriously, my ultimate goal is for 48 hours here, but I have my doubts. So I'm just gonna do the best I can. I can pretty much guarantee that both recitations and work will be punted on Thursday, though. And god, I can't even begin to think about the 034 test right now. I just hope it's kinda like the pset, 'cause if it is, I should be able to handle it.

Urrrggghhh, I hate e-ver-y-thing. I'm going to finish this problem now, and then leave and come back. Maybe I'll take advantage of Verde's 24 hour-ness and get some Earl Grey. (Cafe 4 was out this morning, and I had to settle for English Breakfast :( OH THE INDIGNITY.) Or hot chocolate - that could be yummy. Or a Red Bull, since the 5 Hour Energy is such a fucking FAIL tonight.'s too early in the term to need to tool this hard. *sigh*

EDIT: Just added some songs I've been sitting on to iTunes, and wanted to say that there's something wonderfully seductive and almost sinister about Incubus's "Here In My Room". Can't quite put my finger on it, but...I don't know, it makes part of me all shivery, which I love. I don't really like the ending, but hey, I hate the way plenty of songs end, and some of them are among my favorites, so whatever.

MATLAB didn't take long. Now to try and wrap up the pset so I can turn my full attention to the internship report. About which I have realized I didn't save/bring with me nearly enough information. (Please ignore any tortured grammar in that sentence - I'm tired.) So I don't even know what I'm gonna do. At least attempting to explain about the FMS will eat up plenty of pages. Then it's just hoping that Hobbs isn't feeling particularly vindictive when he reads it, 'cause...yeah. It's not gonna be so much with the substance. God, why didn't I just fucking take that notebook with me?!? I don't have even one cycle that I feel confident I remember enough to include. FML.

EDIT ONCE MORE: Ahaha, my introduction is basically RPF of when the pharmaceutical industry met freeze drying. We're talking some in depth, love letter shit here. It's reading more like a novel than a scientific report, which worries me, but I don't know wtf else to do. Mrrrr.

Forgot how darn happy "Island in the Sun" is. It makes me remember the version of the video with, like, the baby lions and everything, and sort of infuses me with this nice warm glow. I think it's just summery songs that get to me, tbh. There's something so cheerful about them, like you can't possibly be depressed when the weather's that nice. Patently ridiculous, of course, but hey, that's how they feel to me.

And now I'm listening to "Hands" (by m-flo), which is pretty much along those same lines. I love it so.

music, whining, school, mit

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