That's not how you pronounce "Quincy", you know

Sep 04, 2009 23:11

Well, it's been rather a long while, but I figure now's as good a time to break my radio silence as ever.


Hello, hello, hello. I sit here typing on the eve of my return to MIT, which I am facing with no small amount of reluctance. It's...odd, really, because at certain points over the summer I'd wanted to be back very much. Now, though, I don't. It's like, I want to be living there again, but I don't want to have classes or extracurricular activities or any of it. I just want to live somewhere that's not at home, and MIT's cheaper than an apartment. (Aside from that fact that, you know, I am in school, which means I'll have to go to some classes anyway.)

But enough about that. I'm going back tomorrow, so there's really no point harping on about how much I do or do not want to be there. What I should probably be doing is recapping my summer or something, but I pretty much fail at summarizing my life, so that's not gonna work. I just want to leave a note about how fucking awesome my immune system is. I was living with someone who had not just swine flu (sorry, H1N1), but mono and hand, foot, and mouth disease, and I didn't catch a fucking thing. I still think I haven't been properly sick since last Thanksgiving, which is kind of crazy. Wonderful, of course, but decidedly unexpected given my track record with illness.

Aside from all that, though, the summer was not what I'd expected at all. For all that I was living in my friend's basement, I'm not sure I've ever felt quite so isolated in my life. I'd wake up (6:15, every weekday morning), get ready, walk to downtown, take the bus, walk up another hill, and then be at work at 10 minutes till nine. Then work, and then I'd either get a ride home from my coworker or I'd walk all the way back. Then there'd be dinner, and I'd go back downstairs and read my stored up internets (since they don't have wireless) until 11:00, which was bedtime, given the time that I had to get up in the mornings. There was some slight variation, of course, and at certain times the members of the family would be out of the country, so I'd be with varying combinations of them or completely on my own, but that's pretty much what my life was for those two and a half months.

So yes, I did get my last summer in Charlottesville, and yes, I was able to see people that otherwise I wouldn't, but there's something in there that makes me feel like I wasted all that time. (Of course, my imminent return to MIT might be complicating matters a bit.) It's all just twisted up in my mind, and somehow I feel like I've lost everything, because if these past few weeks have taught me anything, it's that I hate living here. There are a few things contributing to that conclusion, but aside from my mom, my dogs, and the Lifetime and AMC channels, there's really nothing I like about being here.

Hurm, that got a bit depressing, what? I suppose I could always talk about TV shows or something, but to be honest I haven't been watching much of anything (except for what's currently airing). What I have been doing is reading almost atrocious amounts of YGO fic, because old fandoms really do die the hardest. The thing about getting into it again after four years is that I actually have good (well, better, at least) taste now, so I'm not just reading the same crap over and over and over. Although, I will admit to a certain weakness for all those annoyingly high school YYY BR MM SJ fics, because they're basically comfort food for me. You know the kind, where everyone's ~magically gay~ and there are misunderstandings and emo tears and the most heartrending wangst ever, but they all end up together in the end anyway. Just proof that fanbrats never change, really, but sometimes I just find myself craving all that ridiculous badness.

Let's see what else I can talk about. I did manage to finish P4 over the summer, although I had to settle for the normal ending because I hadn't got to level 10 with everyone. So I started it again, and I had a lot of fun with the way it'll carry over certain data, so now I'm maxed out on all my attributes, filthy rich, and able to summon really high level personas, which means that I can spend a lot more time managing everyone's social links. I'm actually finding now that I prefer the social links to the dungeon crawling, which is fun for me because before I bought the game I was anxious that that would be the part I didn't like. But yes, I'm bound and determined to get to the proper ending at some point, and then maybe I can finally finish Okami or something.

Hmm, this doesn't really follow from that at all, but I managed to do something else over the summer: lose weight. I guess it was just the fact that I was walking for at least 30 minutes every day, but it still came as somewhat of a surprise that none of my clothes (well, pants) fit anymore. Which is something else about the job - it did pay me, so I actually have money to spend now. My mom and I went to an outlet last week, where I spent about 200 bucks on clothes that might actually be decent-looking for a change. I'm somehow six sizes smaller than I was a year ago, which I find hard to believe because I don't feel like any less of a fatass. But the jeans don't lie, so now it's really just a matter of trying to get into shape now. I have an idea that I might be able to do it this time, so I dunno. We'll see. I might try to get into that boot camp PE class just for the hell of it.

Ooh, speaking of classes, my schedule is such that I have Thursdays off! I'm so flipping excited for that, because I've never gotten an entire day class-free before. Well, during lab weeks I'll have stuff on Thursday morning, but other than that, nothing. I figure I'll be able to do the W3C job (whatever that might be and if it still exists) then, but still. An entire fucking day without classes. There are no words that can properly express my joy over that fact.

Aaaaand, what do you know? I've already run out of steam. There's plenty more I could say, but I don't really care to. I'll fall back into this LJ thing eventually, I'm sure. I'll just mess around for a little while longer and then go to bed. Plenty to do tomorrow, after all.

ygo, whining, random, fanfic, persona 4, games, school, mit

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