We are living our lives

Jan 28, 2009 23:31

UPOP is stressing me out right now, because apparently our visions are due first thing tomorrow morning and because I'm not in a beauty pageant, I don't actually have one. Been thinking about it off and on for the past week, but so far have come up blank. So annoying. Think they'll buy some kind of mentor program?

The whole not-having-a-vision thing has been largely corroborated by my unwillingness to use my spare time for anything other than P4. I know I've been talking about it a lot far too much lately, but I can't help myself: game is fucking AMAZING. I thought all the real-life stuff would be a huge turnoff for me, but it's actually even more fun than the RPG side of things. And it's so great in such small ways, like how there's a little picture of the person who's talking alongside their subtitles that blinks and changes expression mid-sentence. I mean...come on! That's so fucking cool! And the AI that controls their free actions in battle is really quite smart, as they clearly remember enemies and what attacks are effective, etc. And then there's Teddie. Teddie, Teddie, Teddie. It's almost un-"bear"-able how wonderful he is. And then there's the music, which doesn't get annoying despite there only being 5 or 6 background songs. And the in-game animation is pretty cool once you get used to it. And there are SO MANY PERSONA COMBINATIONS possible, so you'll always get something interesting. And there's also that battle thing where they all pile on melee-style that made me go "wtf?" when I saw it on YouTube, but now cheers me up like wo. Oh, and the characters are pretty great too.

*deep breath* Ok, basically, I am so freaking in love with this game, it's bordering on ridiculous. I wake up with the opening song in my head, so then I listen to it in the morning and it's with me all day. And I just want to play it. That's it. That's all I wanna do. Fuck UPOP, fuck my other commitments, whatever. I just wanna go to soccer practice and study with Chie and play with Nanako and let Yosuke call me "partner" again. Which reminds me - I'm still in the Gay Gay Bathhouse of Gayness and Gay, Teddie's reactions to which make me break out in mild gigglefits. Especially when you get the option to say "I think I get the hints..." and then he's all "Sensei's so smart! ♥" Oh Japan, as much as you could use more tolerance, it does lead to some hilarious and mildly offensive video game levels.

Murr, still gotta think about this vision thing. I'll probably go with some kind of outreach program back in C'ville or something. I'm finding it hard to believe that classes are starting on Wednesday (basic reaction: "fuck my life :("). Mom's coming up on Tuesday, so I really can't go help out with things until maybe Friday afternoon/Saturday morning. God, I'm gonna miss that house. First place I'd ever lived in that we didn't rent. Fucking painted that son of a bitch. Ah well, I can but move on and let go.

Oh snap, before I go: Lost! Yes, I do still enjoy this show, especially when they do something awesome like provide Richard's reason for visiting baby!Locke. All the time-tripping is still plausible enough to be entertaining, and I'm loving the Widmore-as-Other thing; so obvious, and yet I'd never thought to consider it. Wonderful. A little annoyed that Charlotte's time headache whatever struck right before they were about to get to all the "i luv u no I luv U" stuff, because seriously, how cliche can you get? But overall, fantastic yet again. (Bonus points for compulsory Latin, just because it makes me lol.)

Mmmmmmmmmkay, gonna go now. Have somehow ended up with the extended QIs, which I won't watch for a while but am still glad to have. Also have the next FOTC, Huge's sit-down with James I-can't-believe-he's-that-old Lipton, and more of the James and Oz Go Round Drinking and Barely Containing Their Raging Lust for One Another show. Gotta say, I wasn't sold on it at first, but I always love me some James May, and their banter's just lovely. And so I watch.

Nope, really going now. Good night!

tv, lost, whining, fangirling, random, persona 4, games, upop

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