Spam spam spam spam

Dec 14, 2008 16:39

grade: 98/A Excellent! Correct in every detail (except one small error of forgetfulness) - and well-written as well. Really great!!

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Yeah, ok, so it's only a problem set, but in general the ones he's graded have not been shining examples of my brilliance, so seeing that, when I'm so utterly tired and unmotivated and scared and whatnot is really, well, nice.

And now I resume anxious awaitment of Top Gear, since it got bumped this week. (Penultimate episode oh noes!) Also wrestling with desire to mainline the rest of the E Series, even though I said I'd do lab-type things for my group. Also started watching SPN yesterday, and it kind of doesn't completely suck. I'm giving it a few more episodes to see if I care or if I should just delete all 7.whatever gigs of it that I have. Oh, and no House or TDS(/TCR) until January, so boo to that. I guess the only TV I have left is PD and The Office, the latter of which I'm struggling to care about and the former of which is ending. I probably should have started watching Merlin while I still had the chance. Ah well, there's always Lost to look forward to, I suppose.

EDIT: Hugh was brilliant. So proud of him.


EDIT2: Eww, what was Jay Leno doing in my Top Gear? Leave him on American TV at 10 pm, only on NBC!, plz.

On the other hand, James May talking about hydrogen fuel cells makes me happy in all kinds of organs, so I'll forgive them. Because, hrrrrmmmmm :3

Also - their Christmas parties probably descend into a vigorous game of "Let's Molest Richard Hammond!", which I would very much like to see, and I love Clarkson more than I could possibly justify to anyone (including myself). God bless those three, and I can't wait till the 28th.

EDIT3: Superjail! is...interesting. Kinda from the school of Happy Tree Friends, but much, much grosser. Except for whatever reason, I find the Warden absurdly attractive (and have since his first appearance on f!s which is the only reason I know about the damn show in the first place), so I think I'll stick with it.

Oh god, what am I doing? I need to tool like mad, and yet, I am not. So much for higher education, eh?

tv, school, fangirling, top gear

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