I can haz subject line?

Nov 29, 2008 20:52

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I spent most of the week sleeping off a rather nasty cold. When I wasn't asleep, I was cooking or eating or playing a board game. Or watching Project Runway. That happened for quite a few hours. But yeah, that's all over now. Lovely to see mom and the puppies, of course (Clober got so big!), but I have to get back to reality now. And I really don't want to.

So far, my procrastination has included catching up with F!S and stalking this super cute guy who worked at this deli in Connecticut. He ~smiled~ at me, ok? Anyway, stalking is pretty easy when it's your family's deli and has its own website. *shrugs* Fun fact for the day, I s'pose.

Thoroughly fell in love with "By Jeeves" over the course of this trip. (How does one properly set off musicals, anyway? Same as plays? Different? No italics? Apparently it's inverted commas quotation marks. *shrugs again*) I'm not sure there's anything tangentially related to Jooster that I wouldn't fall head over heels for at this point. That's probably very sad, but hey, what're you gonna do? Obsession is as obsession does, after all.

Finally got off my ass and redeemed my gift certificate for B&N, because I'm lame and unadventurous like that. Now I'm just not sure whether I want to take that final plunge and get Making History or not. Because, you know, love. But on the other hand...hmm. Not sure, but I know there's something. Of course, I know I'll just end up getting the bally book anyway, so there's no reason to fret, but eeehhhhn. 'Swhat I do.

Oh lord, what's happened to my language faculty? I've been thinking in "haven't a clue" constructions lately, too. Yay for wannabe-Britishness!

And now I go.

jeeves and wooster, random, hormones, books

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