And the shit was persuaded to hit the fan

Nov 21, 2008 17:51

Today actually went well! I now have a squib topic! And 3.016 conversations still rock! And Hobbs gave me another 99 on my technical report! And I had yummy Quizno's for dinner! And this weekend isn't looking so bleak anymore somehow! And my mom got laid off!

...wait, what?

Yep. Yesterday. And she wasn't even gonna tell me until I got back home! Seriously, the nerve of that woman...although her reason was that she didn't want me to worry, so I guess that's sweet of her? Whatever.

It's strange. I was sort of dreading it, because her company's been letting people go like crazy, but I don't feel anything at all right now. Aside from the fact that this whole economic clusterfuck just got real for me, I'm not seeing any effects at present. I guess it depends on how quickly she can get another job, what job she'll get, how much she'll get paid, all of that stuff.

Oh well. She told me not to worry, so I won't. I'll talk to financial aid whenever that comes around next, and someone'll pay, and I'll still be a student, so it'll be ok.

I just hope she's ok. And as bad as it is to admit this, I'm really fucking glad she's not alone right now.

EDIT: Holy shit, Mary Zoll gave me an A! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!

money, major achievement

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