And I still haven't seen a freaking Bond movie in my life

Nov 05, 2008 21:31

I've pretty much accepted the fact that I will be dropping macro. Kinda disappointed in myself, to be honest, but the professor sucks as a lecturer, and it'll be nice not having class till 11. More time to do the work I need to do, eh?

Perriello is up by either 31 or 80 votes with 100% in. They're gonna be canvassing starting tomorrow, I suppose, so we'll see how that goes. I am so proud of Virginia, Albemarle County, Charlottesville, and ESPECIALLY Señor Bills. If it weren't for Prop 8, everything would be absolutely fantastic.

Although, the amount of butthurt on Facebook is starting to piss me off. Not that I wasn't expecting it, but...I dunno, political ideologies are one thing, but it hurts to find out some people you thought were ok are just stupid. I respect your Republican views. I respect your conservatism. I will, however, lose that respect if you start spewing racist propaganda and veiled threats.

Should be doing 24.902. Clearly, I am not. I did get 100 on last week's pset, so that's at least something. Gotta start looking into 3.012 soon, because...yeah, kinda worried about that one. Also, I'm really tired. I've (slowly) come to find that I simply cannot function on less than four hours of sleep - if I try to get up before that minimum, my body pulls rank and sends me back to sleep before I know what happened. And when I wake up again, it'll have added up to four hours somehow. So while I'm disgusted with my inability to pull all-nighters, at least I know where I stand.

Haven't been able to read any more Wimsey in a while, but I have hopes for this weekend. I've only read four of the short stories so far and I already love them. The tone is so delightfully strange - it really is Holmes transplanted to the '20s with a dash of that Edwardian slang I love so dearly. Also, the book I have (a collection of all the short stories) has the most ridiculously '70s cover ever. It got remarked on in 3.016 one day, which led to this exchange:

PROF: What's that?
ME: *shows him cover*
PROF: *reading* Is that Dorothy Sayers?
ME: Yeah. I've only just started, but I really like it.
PROF: Yeah, she's great. If I ever met Peter Wimsey, I'd fall in love with him.

Then we had to start class, so I couldn't follow up, but it intrigued me. Because if he reads (or has read) Sayers, maybe he's read other stuff I like? Don't know, but it would be cool to (finally) be able to talk about with someone. I have all this bottled-up squee that's gonna explode someday, and I'd like to be able to let it out before that happens. But anyway. Lord Peter. Good stuff. I'd like to get back to it soon.

Hurrrrrmmmmmk, I need to do work now. Although it's just saying the same thing again and again and yeah, I think case assignment is really cool, but how many different ways can you say "this NP is assigned accusative case because its complement is an active verb"? I mean, really. Stupid subject that I love.

politics, school, books, mit

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