I'm down to get the friction on

Aug 10, 2008 09:45

Is it sad that I find Rorschach/Nite Owl strangely adorable? I mean, I guess I knew Watchmen stuff had to be out there, somewhere, because Rule 34 never rarely fails, and maaaaaaybe I thought about it once or twice while reading, but it just feels so, I don't know, sacrilegious to bring normal fandom stuff into it. Which is ridiculous, because it's the internet, and NOTHING is sacred.

But still. I'm sitting here guiltily going "... :3" over some of those.

Am halfway through The Picture of Dorian Gray. It's just got to the first bit with the picture changing. It's not so bad - I wouldn't say I actually like it, but that might change. But what is it with Victorian prose? Everyone, and I mean everyone talks in paragraphs. It's like, I'll turn the page, and my eyes will start bleeding prematurely at all the blocks I see. I sort of want to go back in time, smack them all and say "Wtf, people don't talk like that! No, not even you!" Urgh.

I still have Maurice waiting, which is due back on the 15th, and yet when I returned The Sign of the Four (good, but did anyone buy how hard Watson fell for Mary? Plz.) I felt the need to check out more Sherlock as well as American Psycho, because I felt I was grasping at things in the movie that weren't made quite clear, and anyway the book sounds terribly disturbing, which oughta be a nice change of pace.

Basically, I've set myself up for a frenzied last couple of weeks, book-wise, and I shouldn't set myself up for anything I can't finish. So why oh why did I ever pick up House of Leaves in B&N?!? Because the thing with that book is, once you pick it up, you can't really put it down. And I have things I need to return to the library, so those should get precedent, but noooo, creepy!book will not be denied! The rational thing would have been to read the intro and then let it be until later.

So of course, I bought it. And I fucking love it. I haven't even got to the really weirdly-formatted bits yet, and I fucking love it. I almost wish I hadn't made so many plans this weekend so that I could lose myself in it properly.

As it is, I spent most of yesterday singing my head off and then making chocolate cakes (well, chocolate cake, at least), and today there will pizza and RE4 (I have a cunning plan to get past the Truck of Doom). And then a dinner party type thing at Guad. All in all, it should be fun times.

And it's just distracting me from the fact that I need to fucking deal with MIT stuff already, because that shit's not going away just because I'm in Virginia. I have avoidance problems.

Oh, and since I'm not likely to make another entry soon...Beijing 2008! USA! USA! Woo-hoo!!!

All right, I'm done. Peace out.

comics, olympics, oh interwebs..., random, books, teh gay

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