America, fuck yeah!

May 08, 2008 01:08

Hokay, so I just finished tagging all of my journal entries.

No, I'm not sure if you understand. ALL. OF. MY. JOURNAL. ENTRIES.

500+, if I'm not terribly mistaken. And the hell of it is that I kept thinking of ones late in the game, so I'm gonna have to go all the way back and look out for ones to apply "fandom" and "boston" to, and see if I want an "insomnia" tag or something like it. I hate being so freaking anal sometimes.

Have failed at studying once more. Will fail 18.02 and 8.02 tomorrow. Will cry. Will fail all finals. Will be home in slightly over two weeks.

Wodehouse update!: I'm currently about 3/4 of the way through Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit (which was originally titled Bertie Wooster Sees It Through, so I actually checked both out at the library and didn't notice my epic fail until later), which is just as wonderful as they've all been.

It just means that I'm sad (again), because I'll soon be done. There are 13 novels, I think, and I've already read four of them, along with Carry On, Jeeves and The Inimitable Jeeves, which contain the bulk of the short stories, so...yeah. The problem is, they're so amazingly lovely that you can't help but want to devour them as quickly as possible, so you end up going through them at a crazy rate, and then where are you, hmm? Sadness Land, that's where.

At least there's more Wodehouse to be had. (I'm pretty excited about getting to Blandings, tbh.) It's just...there's something about the Jeeves books, you know? Bertie's such a terrific narrator, and the style is utterly fantastic, and they're just so much love it's crazy.

Here's a random thing - I've taken to calling Hugh "Huge" in my head. I blame this entirely on hugelaurie, who, while having an admittedly wonderful username, has fucked me up good and proper. The only thing I can imagine is that I made a note of their name on ONTD back in my pre-Boffle days, thought "huh, that's neat", and then let it sit there to be unleashed unexpectedly whenever I start getting the lovelight in my eyes over Hugh again.

So tired. I almost accidentally fell asleep tonight, so I tried to take a nap at 10:00 but it didn't work. So now I'm tired and out of it. I think I need to just sleep, wake up early, and pray for mercy.

Because hey, even if I do fail everything? I'm going home in just over two weeks.


lol noob, jeeves and wooster, whining, school, fangirling, books

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