Real post now

Feb 05, 2008 18:47

AHHHHH, IT'S SUPER FUCKING TUESDAY. I'm not sure how late I'm willing to stay up, especially seeing as how I've got linguistics at 9:00 tomorrow, so we'll see.

New House, though, which is awesome 'cause it's only been two days. And I can't believe Be Kind Rewind was only last night. The late night epic-ness wiped absolutely everything else from my mind. I lost count of how many times I've watched it today. So so so much love.

I've discovered the joy of streaming MSNBC online, because, you know, KEITH! I miss his big head and pink ties :( I aww'd a little at seeing Joe, too, because just when I decided to give him a chance (since he's such a Jon & Stephen fanboy and all) he switched from Scarborough Country to Morning Joe and I never really got to see him. But mostly, it's BriWi and Keith.

CNN enjoys their touch screens just a tad too much. I mean, it's hilarious, and adorable, but also a little disturbing.

Ugh, I'm gonna die. I'm not even emotionally invested in any candidate! What is wrong with me?

EDIT: MSNBC kicked me off ;___________; How do you run out of live TV, anyway?

EDIT 2: WTFFFFF, HUCKABEE, STOP GETTING VOTES. If he gets anything I am blaming the fuck out of Stephen. (To clarify: I know he's won some states/delegates already - that's not what I mean. I mean that if he gets anything significant, Jon, Stephen, and Conan are gonna have a lot of 'splainin to do.)

MSNBC stopped being emo, so I'm watching again and being all "yay, Keith!" and... *glances at CNN* y hello thar, Anderson. *purrs*

Why am I reverting to emoticons and *actions*? I told you I couldn't fucking handle Super Tuesday. Shouldn't have doubted me, man.

EDIT 3: Lol, Cuddy ships House/Wilson. It's like Voldemort shipping H/Hr, but way, way hotter.

This episode is chock full of slash, and yet I feel like I'm not enjoying it as much as I should. I mean, I like it, sure, it makes me all giddy inside,'s just not doing anything else. I guess I just have to face up to the fact that I'm not really a H/W fan. Le sigh.

EDIT 4: Hehe, best MoZ EVAR. I have been watching nothing else all day. No lie.

And wtf, Democrats? Why the hell would you still be voting for Edwards? Good lord.

EDIT 5: "Conan's claims on Mike Huckabee could not go unanswered," Stewart and Colbert said in a joint statement Tuesday. "We just hope the kids out there learned that sometimes the best way to resolve a conflict is with violence."

Oh boys, why always with the joint statements? People will start to talk... *is amused*

house, fakenews crew, politics, teh gay

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