(no subject)

Jan 24, 2007 21:54

The day started pretty peacefully. That is, until my thoughts from the previous night feeled my head.

"Oh no! The DVD for the private screening hasn't been burned yet."

"Oh snap! What if we can't use her laptop to hook up to the projector?"

"My camera! The candy! The stickers! Where are they all!?"

My day didn't start off with me easily getting out of my bed, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. It was quick, fast and rapid. I got out of bed without putting both feet down first. It was more like putting my left foot down and hopping out of my room with my right foot. I went straight to my computer making sure for the third time if my flashdrive still held and played the oh so precious Whoopi vs SilentBat Private Screening File. After watching it I noticed a mistake in one of the subtitles where I repeat the word "that." There would be no way of changing it in time so I go along with it and quickly hop in the shower.

But then, for the first time, I looked to the clock. IT WAS 6:25! I had to be out the house in 20 MINUTES and all my stuff wasn't together.

"Mom! Pleasgivusaridtschooigoutolate!"

"Sure I can take you to school"

(Awesome! More time!)

So I gather my camera, my tripod, so extra tape, my flashdrive, everything was set.

I got to school and everything seemed to be looking up. I was going to hand off my flashdrive to Whoopi and he would go to his teacher and make a DVD out of the file that was inside it. But I see no Whoopi! Where is Whoopi! Oh well, hopefully PLAN B (using a laptop) would work out a lot nicer. But when I was about to go to my first period, Whoopi comes around the corner and I hand off the flash drive to him.

Nutrition comes and he says that he needs to burn it during fifth period. But that wouldn't work because I had Ms. I fourth period and needed to see if a DVD would work in her room since we would hold the screening there. Before nutriton as over we did self interiews of our anticipation and we interviewed other people about their anticipation.

So Whoopi comes along with me to my fourth period which we immediately leave from to burn the DVD. So we go to Whoopi's fifth period class (while it was still fourth period) and we attempt to burn the DVD through MovieMaker ... big mistake! Very big mistake. It takes us forever to make the DVD and half way through it it would stop writing to the disk. ARGH! So we've wasted about 30 minutes on that and we had another hour to do it again, or fail again, losing another half hour. We decide to retry with MovieMaker again but immediately stop with that when the process freezes again. We quickly search through our little brains and I come up with the idea of looking for another DVD burning program that the teacher may have on his computer. And what do you know! There is a program called WinDVD and it isn't half bad. In fact, we find that it would be a good pick to make our final DVD on. When the burn was complete we walked up to my fourth period teacher's room and jammed the DVD into the player and watched it over once.

"See you 7th period, Whoopi!"

"See you man."

We parted our ways until 7th period came along. I remember falling asleep in 5th period (I'd only gotten a few hours of sleep the previous night).

Lunch came and I remember doing a lot of walking. First I was hanging around with my friends looking around for my girlfriend, wondering where she was (she had been gone that whole school week). Whoopi came up to me and was like:

"We're going to talk Ms. Holland about getting Whoopi vs SilentBat in the black history performance."

See, we were planning to get our film in the black history performance for a while. I wanted to earn prestige from Ms. Holland, the coordinater of the performance, through the MLK performance, which I think I didn't. It's not that I lost prestige, it's just that she didn't take notice of me. Not after one of the performers fell completely off the stage and almost fell on his head. So the week after I had been pitching the idea about talking about black filmmakers and how we could talk about the accomplishments of Spike Lee and John Singleton and how they inspired us to make films, which would lead into our own film. So we showed her what it is we were working with and she enjoyed it. We just had to cut it down and show her what we would do with the Spike Lee tribute video on Wednesday. I'm sure that should be a big hit at school.

So we leave out of Ms. Holland with our heads held high, we, or at least I was feeling good about the whole thing. I think we interviewed a few more people about their anticipation of Whoopi vs SilentBat. I remember one person saying that he was glad to see his homeboys making these films and all. The bell rang and I was off to sixth period where a lot of people intercepted me, telling me they were really looking forward to the screening.

I couldn't help but smile at every comment.

Before I knew it I was walking through Ms. I's room preparing for the screening with Whoopi. I think we were having some trouble with the audio at first, so I remember pushing tables back and setting up chairs while Whoopi fixed the audio problem. It would be no use for both us to be wasting time over that. As I am setting up I get help from both my girlfriend and my little freshmen helper.

In pretty much no time we we're ready to let people in. I had even made signs going up the stairs, directing people to the correct room. We had so much time, in fact, we were able to set up the candy in color coordination. So, for about twenty minutes me and Whoopi just stood in anticipation. We watched the presentation over once or twice.

I got to tell you, when that bell rang for school to end my heart leapt and bounced off my rib cage a dozen times. THIS WAS IT! THIS WAS IT ...

We handed out stickers, people had smiles on their faces! It was all so good! Watch the video below to see it in action.

At the end, Whoopi and I were signing autographs! All the while people saying how expensive how they one day would become.

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