Time is a valuable thing
Tal looked at the watch dangling from his hand, watched it swing from side to side with the barest movement of his fingers, the black cord teasing itself from his hand. He'd picked it up after his encounter with the Tick-Tock Men. Didn't know why.. it just appealed to him at the time. Ishtar said it wasn't magical, so must just be a normal watch. Must be.
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
So why was he so attached to it? He kept it on him all the time now, taking it out to swing it round his hand every so often. It'd become like a habit, doing tricks with it - his hands inhumanly nimble now thanks to the cabal.
Watch it count down to the end of the day
It didn't even work, that was the stupid thing. It was broken, the hands bent and displaced under the glass face. He could probably have asked someone to fix it, not like there wouldn't be someone who could fix things around... but he didn't want to.
The clock ticks life away
It called to him in a way. An outer reflection of how he felt inside. Maybe that was it. Broken watch, broken Tal. Could be as simple as that, right? Just something stupid and simple like that, yeh?
It's so unreal
So why did he still feel out of place? Why did everything kind of seem to.. not quite fit any more? It was probably just trauma. Not like he didn't know he wasn't exactly the same after the Tick-Tock Men. He put on a good show, but he was good at that. Drinking and whoring are easy... Feeling like everything's okay again? That's hard.
He can't tell her. She's got enough to deal with without worrying about me. If he can put on this show for anyone, he can do it for her - she needs to know he's okay, so for her he will be.
"Love you sis." he thinks as he watches the clock swing.
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