My pick didn't make it

Jun 05, 2008 11:31

Has most know from reading or lessoning to me Hillary Clinton was my pick for the Dem Nomination. If you didn't...then you aren't on your friend's lj so check your hyperlink and go away.

To say that I am hurt, sad, betrayed, depressed, or angry doesn't do what I am feeling justice. I can not believe that even in 2008 we as a country and a party don't think a woman could be president. Don't lie to me or let the media lie to you...this was about her sex. Not about policy, race, ideas, debates, racism, or anything else you can come up with. This was 1000% about a woman vs. a man. This was her year and greatest chance in the next 50 years to put a woman in that office. People didn't want a woman so badly that they put a black man ahead of her.

**Now before everyone turns their ugly heads and starts typing...I don't care he's black. Anyone who knows me well knows that is not the case. So if you come at me with that kind of bullshit. I will burn your house down, kill all your pets, and fuck your gf right on top of your dead body. In the case it's a bf not word...broomstick**

See the problem with Clinton being a woman is an easy thing to point out and highlights the problem with the feminist movement in America. Women don't need to be convinced that a woman can do a job nor do they need to tell us that a woman can do the job. Its men who need their minds changed. You don't need more Steinem’s or Freidan’ need more men like myself and my other male friends. We believe that a woman can do anything a man can do; we believe that a woman is 100% equal to a man in the workplace as well as in the home. It is not women who need to be feminist. Its men. If you don't bring over men than you will never get any further than where you are. Your cause will die on the vine...oh wait since the 70's it has. At some point you "feminist" will have to realize that brow beating will not work, containing to demonizing us will only continue to set your "cause" back hundreds of years.

Now to put that in context. Hillary talked about fathers bring their daughters to rally's and events. That really touched me as a father of the most beautiful 5 year old red-head god ever made. I could never see as a father how I couldn't give Hillary my full support, backing, and vote. How could I look my little girl in the eye 10 years from now when see reads about this and say "Naw I didn't like her because she voted for the war in Iraq or she was just riding her husbands coat-tails or I wanted change in Washington". If I said that to her I 100% expect her to punch me in my mouth then knee my balls while kicking me in the ribs on the way down. How could I tell her that she can do anything she wants in this world but not support the 1st woman ever to have a REAL shot at being president? I know Jaeden would kick my ass and I would have been asking for it.

This may piss off a lot of my female friends ...but if you supported Obama then you should be shot twice in the tits, once in the vajaja, and your ovaries ripped out. Don't give me this "Just because she is a woman doesn't me I have to support her". The hell you don't. Someone has to break the last visible glass ceiling in the country. The Republicans will never, never, never do it. Only the Dems will. Also don't think for a second that there is another woman better. Hillary is the only woman Dem that would have kicked the Reps all over the fucking map in the general. Sure there has to be some super-liberal woman that you would like more...but could never win the general. Hillary is a proven winner. That woman is a warrior. McCain would have got his clock cleaned everywhere. What other woman can stand up to the Rove's of the world??? No one. She has beaten the Reps every time they tried to beat her. Every time they hit her, she hit back TWICE has hard. The Reps know that she would have been hard to beat because of this. Why do you think they where worried. She was NEO. The first to have a chance to still be standing after all the "swift-boating".

For those with this liberal boner about Iraq. Give it up please. You are making the whole Dem party look like idiots. A bunch of tree-hugging, pansies-ass, cotton-candy, quivering, please don't hurt us, lets everyone be friends, chick-shit, let the terrorist win, we hate America people. This is why "W" won in 04'. We keep handing the Reps the way to beat us in Nov. Just tell most American’s Dems don't want you to be safe, they want to make nice with everyone...even the people who have/are trying to kill us. Election after election we will lose. Only way we win is if we have a person who can say "No I will keep you safe, I will protect the homeland, I will route-out any element that tries to do us harm". If only we could find a Dem like that things would be great. Wait...crap...we had one like that! And we ran HER off.

So with that...I have spoken some of my peace.
More may come latter...don't know if I can type that much.
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