Jun 14, 2007 16:37
- My mother graduated from UNCW with a bachelors in Religious Studies. Yeah just what she needed. Yet another reason to force god to come in her life in her own terms rather than...oh I don't know. Maybe submitting to a higher power like the bible tells us to. See only my mother could have the balls to tell god that if he doesn't fit the nice little neat package my mom wants than he can kiss her ass. To say I am upset at this doesn't even begin to say how I feel about this. It's not that I want everyone to be a good catholic like me or anything. I promise that if she was a member of any one of the 100 or so "Protestant" religion's I wouldn't care. But to try to sit on the fence yet still say she loves god and reads the bible is an insult to anyone with an over 80 IQ.
I mean...everytime you say something to her about this you get "I have studied (fill in blank) church and don't like (fill in blank) thing they believe in/believed in/ or did in the past so I will not join their church". Can you even try to stick your head that far up your ass and still talk? I know I can't. Only someone who views religion as something to be studied and evaluated could come up with this crap. Last time I checked your not joining one church and have to 100% take their view and make them your own over night. I was under the impression that is was more about believing in god, his son, and the holy ghost. Not about what the priest/pastor/reverend/preacher thinks. Church was intended to be a place for all who want to worship the lord in fellowship with their fellow man. No were in the bible does it say if Rev. Smith hates carrots, dogs, and beef jerky that you too have to hate those things and stay away from them.