
Oct 13, 2009 12:38

[ACTION of HIGH caliber]

[GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS GUYS? It's time for Minamimoto to be an absolute asshole? That's right! Well, what has he been doing? you might have noticed him being relatively quiet for a while. Well part of this is him licking his wounds, yes, but another part of it is experimenting with making Noise capable of lasting in Luceti, and pushing his limits in that respect. So now that I've gotten mod permission he's created a masterpiece.

And how better to Noise it up than to give his baby a test-run?

Please refer to this map (not to scale) for the location of his beauty. He's on top of the building there the red x is. His newest creation is blocking the way where the designated spot is.

And what is it you ask? It's Noise #66: Woolly AOR. Namely, it's a large elephant/mammoth-like beast which is pushing the area of maybe eight field tall with giant tusks, and all sorts of other things like that.

What is it doing? Well, Woolly AORs don't move, see, but they can rear up on their hind-legs and stomp the ground. This stomps create two effects: one is a tremor which is going to be like a small earthquake for a fairly wide area one which is so powerful it makes it hard to move, as seen in game and the other is a shock-wave of footprint-like lily-pad things which can hurt you. Oh, and it'll beat on you with it's pimp-trunk if you manage to get close.

This Noise is yours for the fighting! Or reacting to! Up to you, but be prepared for a fight! As anyone that played TWEWY can tell you, these mammoths are really annoying and don't go down very easy.

Minamimoto meanwhile is on said roof, watching this, smirking, and chuckling. Give him a show, dudes. Or interact with him. Whatever]

*ragna, *goku, okay anyone please, being evil, a "game", *hanekoma, *amaterasu, *sigmund, *rika, the world is garbage, *lloyd, it's a test, *geneus, *sheena, *thrall, *hyuuga, *kain, so it begins, noise it up, *harry, *duke, *shiki, *noel, *klonoa, *arumat, *kurtis

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