
Sep 13, 2009 20:03


[THIS IS MINAMIMOTO. Currently, he is hanging out on the Tire Swing that everyone knows about outside of Deidon Hold House Vesperia House #12. He's swinging there in his usual clothing, including a replacement hate he's found of his hat maybe he stole it back from Miu, who knows? but right now he's uh.

Reciting the digits of pi to the ( Read more... )

okay anyone please, i love pi, *rita, estelle too, *buffy, counts as a post, the luceti plan, *estelle, the world is garbage, pi is my bitch, it's a test, come here rita, *vivi, *yuri lowell, *karol, *klonoa

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[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 00:45:47 UTC
[Just coming back from the hot springs, still fairly damp. ...Wait, is that someone singing numbers, obnoxiously loudly? That HAS to be him. Klonoa's going to wander over, but... first, he's just going to watch him, towel still slung over his shoulder, trying to figure out if there's a pattern to the numbers or not.]


[Action] yoctograms September 14 2009, 01:18:10 UTC
[It's the digits of pi, bzniches. He's on digit twenty-five though, so you might like... not recognize it]


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 01:25:11 UTC
[Nope, no clue. But he's singing it oddly well and the rhythm is kinda catchy, so he's gonna sit down and just listen to Sho for a while.]


yoctograms September 14 2009, 01:33:00 UTC
[IS THAT UGLY THING amused? FUUUUH I mean fine, let's continue]


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 01:35:36 UTC
[Yes, yes he is. In fact, he's going to pick up on the melody eventually and start humming along.]


yoctograms September 14 2009, 01:38:23 UTC
[And at this point... it's time to stop. Digit ninety-six. And then sneer over at the thing as he shrugs into his swinging. Swing, swing...]


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 01:46:38 UTC
[Well, he's still gonna just watch you for a while, although he's mildly disappointed at the sudden lack of singing.] Aw, why'd you have to stop? That was really cool!


[Action] yoctograms September 14 2009, 01:49:48 UTC
Hnn. [Swing, swing] Identify the function then, radian.


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 01:57:18 UTC
[Deductive powers are GO.] Well... I know you like math, so it's probably something to do with math. I didn't hear a pattern in the numbers, so it's gotta be something weird... but it has to mean something, too. If I had a math book, I could tell you what it was, probably.


[Action] yoctograms September 14 2009, 02:00:35 UTC
Inferior reasoning; but what's the solution then? Zetta slow!


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 02:13:14 UTC
[Trying to be civil and friendly, because hey, he doesn't need any enemies.] Math's not my thing, so I can't tell you yet... it's cool that you're so good at it, though. I'll get an answer for you later.


[Action] yoctograms September 14 2009, 02:22:50 UTC
It's a game then; t = 3 hours; incompletes will be iterated.


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 02:38:36 UTC
A game? What do I get if I win?


[Action] yoctograms September 14 2009, 03:03:35 UTC
Not iterated.

t = 2 hours, 59 minutes and counting.


[Action] rupurudu September 14 2009, 03:08:08 UTC
Good enough! I'll be back soon! [And he dashes off to try to find the answer.]


[Action] yoctograms September 14 2009, 03:09:38 UTC
[Then he'll go back to singing and swinging, waiting for the RETURN OF THE THING with his answer. And keeping track of time in his head]


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