Jul 20, 2009 16:01
[It is a nice sunny day. That means people will be out and about and that means that Sho Minamimoto is out to troll. The heat doesn't seem to be bothering him that much, because he is as ever wearing the same demented outfit minus his hat, which Miu still has. He's got his red bandanna though. What's more, he's on a new HEAP.
This one might have some stolen stuff if you want to assume it but it's mostly random items he took from the shops. This heap is only about five feet tall though, and Minamimoto is sitting on it. Due to note being huge there isn't a poetic phrase on this, but it is just a little outside the center-circle of town and seems to have been put up in the last hour alone.
As for Minamimoto? He's sitting on top of it, looking amused down at a POV gun, which is sitting there as one of the support-beans of this heap near the top.
Feel free to run into him, he looks like he might be in a good mood]
someone pov-gun this somebitch,
the heap,
*rena ryuuguu,