Nov 27, 2001 15:43
We went to the beach the first couple days and just relaxed. For Thanksgiving we went to a restaurant across the street and had turkey and mashed potatoes and watched the sunset.
They have these "Shave Ice" stands all along the island and it is SO good. It's sort of like a sno-cone, but the ice is a little different. They use the same syrup for flavoring though. I got one called Hanalei Sunset, and it has Strawberry, Mango, Guava, and something else. SO GOOD. mmmm... very refreshing.
I got a massage too! I think the one I got was called a "lomi lomi" massage. First I had to sit in the steam room and then she gave me a salt rub. That was supposed to detoxify and that kind of stuff. Then we went into another steam room but it was not as intense. And then she gave me my massage. It was heaven! Oh yeah... :)
We went kayaking on Saturday and saw this 120 ft tall waterfall. It was really cool. My little brother was in my kayak and he was being an ass so that kind of ruined it for me. He wasn't rowing as much as I did and he couldn't steer for beans. Grrr...
But it was cool. They have the craziest stuff there. There are wild roosters and chickens all over the island. And there's a lot of cats running around too. There were two cats who lived under a rock at the waterfall area. Our guide said she sees them all the time there. :)
I had a BLAST!!!