Jul 15, 2009 19:09
Aah, as much as I want to refrain from spazzing about Kimutaku again, I can't help it when he's such a big part of my daily routine. Let me show you how...
- I watch his drama every week since I'm the timer of the TimeLesSub team working on Mr. Brain.
- Every morning, my hair looks like Tsukumo's hair in Mr. Brain, including the side part.
- As a reward for finishing my tasks for the day, I watch an episode [or two, or three, hehehe] of a Kimutaku drama before going to sleep. I finished Beautiful Life last week. Now, I'm slowly working my way through Pride. [Any suggestions on what drama I should download next?]
- The parents of my patients know him, at least by face. According to mommy jinx143, Beautiful Life, Love Generation, Love Revolution and Good Luck were already shown several times on QTv. I was watching Beautiful Life in the clinic when one of the mommies said, "It's Shojo, the hairdresser who likes that girl in a wheelchair, Kyoka!" Wrong names... but still, enough proof that she saw it already.
- I have a patient whose surname is Kimura.
- My sister, Bernie, is totally in love with him. Her facebook page is a testament on how much she likes him. Her answer to the profile entry, Interested In: reads "Really, really interested in Kimura Takuya."
- When one of my friends asked me to meet her for coffee coz she's having a bad day, I immediately knew what video will change her mood. Clue: Beyonce's Crazy in Love, Kimura in a blond wig, white tank top, Daisy Dukes and red heels. Mission accomplished!
- I finally got my friend to approve of my crush. No matter who I show her, all my Japanese boys are too girly, too skinny, too curly [hahaha] or wear clothes that are too shiny. [All together now... KAT-TUN] Hyde was okay, only he's too short. With Kimura though, she's all, "Oh, I guess he's okay. Finally, someone who looks manly." [She hasn't seen that Crazy in Love video yet, hehehe]
I could go on and on with my list but bottomline is... Kimura Takuya is hotness personified.
Whilst Kimutaku is good for the heart, he's not exactly good for the health, Eyebags are a thing of the past. I now sport eyeluggages and eyepouches, thanks to our nightly viewing of his dramas. My subbing schedule, once followed to the dot, also took a hit, and I started missing deadlines [sorry, dear PLs]. Ironically, I was also delaying my tasks for Mr. Brain. One would think that I would prioritize this project since he's in it. But watching a drama is totally different from timing it, especially with Mr. Brain where they all talk at the same time. I used to say that subbing Kami no Shizuku was tough because I can't help but stare at Kame. Here, it's doubly hard coz apart from dealing with his pretty face [and impish smile], he just won't shut up.
I'll be celebrating my birthday this month! It'll be last year before I finally say goodbye to my 20's... aaargh, I'm ancient already. Still, birthdays mean parties, so I'm so looking forward to those. I already have 7 birthday celebrations planned as of this minute. (a) lunch with the entire family at the Pasig house, a joint party with Bernie who's also celebrating her birthday this July; (b) dinner with HS friends, with one of my best friends flying home from the US; (c) a gift-giving thingy at an orphanage with some uni friends; (d) lunch or dinner with my subbing friends - what do you guys want, by the way? (e) dinner with my ALRES clinicmates at Bellini's; (f) lunch with my THC clinicmates [dang, I shouldn't have promised I'll cook for them] and lastly, (g) dinner with my FMTC staff and interns. Woah... seeing it like that made me realize I'll be needing an entire week for all of them.
Ok, party plans down. Next agenda, money... hmmm.... if you guys are interested in helping me celebrate my 29th birthday, PM me. Cash donations will be accepted, hahaha! Seriously though, PM me if you want to help out with the gift-giving. As for you, my online friends, you can send me your birthday cheers through postcards! I was really happy when I received cards from some of you here last Christmas. [My mum was pretty amused by them. I could remember her telling me, "I didn't know you knew anybody from the Virgin Islands."] PM me if you need my address. If you want to send stuff apart from postcards, like live JE boys, hahaha, then you may do so. Don't forget to include your address so I could also send you a postcard. It's about time I revive my "Save the postman, save the world" campaign.
Song of the Day: Reveal the Remedy
Maybe in time we'll realize that maybe
Fate reveals the remedies
real life,