mm hello.
1st period - norton was sick...did my italian, worked on a new art project.
2nd period - italian was fun...nothing too cool happened though.
3rd period - i hate english class. hate hate hate english class. i sit in the front and i do not speak. luckily i have a lot of people in there that im friends with, or i would blow it up.
lunch - sat under the nice tree with heather daniar and billy. then ashley justin robin and chris all came over and joined the partay.
4th period - cont. issues. debated and shit.....hated it. but i havent talked to Graham in a long time so that was fun.
dropped danielle off after school today. i have no gas in my car. and no money to buy any. i hate that. i need to stop driving everywhere in my life.
im bored. and im sad suddenly...but thats okay. maybe i just need a nap. i ate cake and ice cream...cookies n was delicious.
have a nice day.
i <3 my pink pearl and mish are sistahs!
I effing hate my lips and the way they look like i want to kiss something all the time
SEE?! i dont even know
well that was fun. g'bye!
just woke up from a nap.
im in a weird mood..and talking to chayd. everything has changed, i dont know. whether they say it has or not, i know that it has. ive seen chad once in maybe 4 weeks, and i havent seen paul since 2 days before school started. and ryan, i never see in my life anymore anyways. it's just sad, i miss how everything used to be...but what can you do.
my brother is in that annoying mood where he's a 2 year old stuck inside a 25 year old's body and he will not shut up. his voice is going straight through my head, and he's being an ass hole, asking me if i agree that someone is fat? i just ignore him...he's fucking heartless sometimes, it frustrates me. and he is repeating himself over and over and over again i am going to throw my camera at his face.
im hungry.
i ate green beans with salad dressing for lunch.
after i ate the ice cream and cake. maybe thats why my stomach is a little upset.
fat ass?
naw...who gives a shit! so i love to eat, sueeee me.
i love to ramble, about nothing. story of my life. i love tom petty...
and i think im still half asleep...
mom asked wher her hat was, but she was really looking for her glasses.
and some girl stuck a black olive in her friends ear today after lunch, and it was funny. people should stick salad bar items in their ears more often. it makes my day.