Oct 22, 2004 10:37
Yesterday's concert was da bomb. It was hilerious. I almost fell off the stage.
I was quite disappointed that nobody came in the end. I had three free tickets. Oh well. And so life goes on. I was really counting on it that somebody would come. Well, that was the sixth concert. Now there are only two more left.
Today I have a free Friday. Well, it isnt really a free Friday. I have to go to one lesson of ezrahut at 12:30 but I dont want to on account that i am sick. It is nice to sit at home and not be running about doing everything all at once. I think that I was over exhusting myself.
On Sunday we have a show in the mishkan. I think that it is "Yaldi Ha-Tzel". Anyway, I want to go but i have a performance in Tel-Aviv on the same day. And both want me to be there. They say I have to be there. I gave my conductress my tutor's phone number and I will let them fight it out on their own.
Does anybody have Monty Python:"Erik the Viking"?
Anywho, I think that I am going to do something useful with my free time.
Have a great weekend!!