(no subject)

Dec 08, 2008 20:27

Once again I have free time at work, but today I also have my computer with me!  That means you all get another nice long novelesque post.  >3
How is everyone?  I miss you all!  If you read this, I miss you!  If you don’t read this, clearly you don’t love me enough.  Phoo.
It’s finally cold here, it was cool for a really long time, and I was wondering about this whole ‘long cold winter’ they complain about.  It finally got really cold about a two weeks ago.  Now I’m always running my kerosene heater, and I live under my kotatsu.  For those who don’t know, a kotatsu is a low Japanese floor table with a heater underneath it.  The table top lifts off the table frame and you drape a kotatsu futon over the frame.  It’s a big squishy square blanket  that hangs down across the floor, and traps the heat under it.  You pull it over your legs and lap, or over all of you if you want to take a toasty nap on the floor. XD  It’s the best winter invention ever.
I will say this, I may hate summer, but I love how distinct the Japanese seasons are!  In NC, or at least Boone, the in between seasons like spring and fall got a little confused sometimes.  It would start to get cool, then it would be hot again, then it would snow, and then it would get hot, then cool, then snow, hot, snow, cool, snow, cool, hot, and eventually it just stayed freezing.  Winter had come.  XD
Spring was the same in reverse.  The battle between summer and winter for dominance over our lives.  Teh suck.  In Japan, it was not so.  The summer was bloody miserable.  I wanted to kill myself.  Maybe this is why the Japanese are prone to suicide.  It’s their damn summers. >.<  But as the end of summer rolled around, it got a bit more bearable, and a bit MORE bearable, and then it was pleasant, and then it was the cool side of pleasant, followed by jacket cool, followed by mild cold, followed by winter.  It was amazing! 
I hear it’s snowed already back home, not so here.  I wake up in the mornings to see snow on the mountains… but not here.  Soon though, I think.  I look forward to the snow. 
Tomorrow I go to Tokyo Disneyland!  I’m so excited about it!  I’ve never even been to Disneyland in America, and now I get to go IN JAPAN!  I’ll take lots of pictures.

Well… it’s still only part way through first period, and I have no idea what I’m going to do with myself for the rest of the day.  It’s exam week, so I have no classes.  I really don’t have much to do at all, but I have to be a body at work.  Blah.  I could play solitare.  Omg, I AM that bored.

I watched the latest espisode of Kiva and Keitai Soukusan this morning.  Wooo.  I have so many dramas I’m trying to keep up this season, it’s an amazing season!  I believe I have mentioned before how awesome Bloody Monday is, it’s fast-paced, well thought out, and I love the actors.  Even if I didn’t though, it would still be amazing.  Ryuusei no Kizuna is my other addiction, I love finally seeing Ryo playing Ryo, not a jerk.  I think Ryo would be like this character.  Hehehe

It’s finally December!  It’s hard to believe.  Sometimes it feels like I’ve been here no time at all, and sometimes it feels like forever.  Both in a good way though.  This is just life now.  It’s comfortable, easy, full of daily routines and little adventures.  I need a new car though, the transmission went out on mine, and it’s hard to get to my visiting schools.  >.
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