This isn't suposed to be my life

Jan 29, 2005 18:54

I'm so frustrated at the moment. I woke up today and saw that we had absolutely no food in the house; or at least not anything that could actually make a complete meal. Being hungry I yelled to my mom that we should go out to breakfast.

She was all cranky, b/c it was 9am and way before the time she had wanted to get up. It's funny how the roles have reversed in our house. So we went to breakfast and then she decided to plan my entire day away. It seems I should have let her sleep and just went to breakfast myself. I had to go all over town running errands with/for her.

All of a sudden I stopped and said (as we were walking through best buy) "I have to leave right now" "I can no longer hang out with you today". I feel like such a total bitch, but living with my mom makes me never ever want to hang out with her.

I'm going nutso living here and the thought of moving out keeps tingling my tongue. I just need a roommate "uhghegm jacky"....I know she wants to do this too, as she feels the same sort of unhappiness as me. I wish I made enough to support us both, that way we could at least get out of our crappy situations...but alas I am poor. Anyone want to contribute to the Erin Fund is welcome. I accept anything but loose change. (and I'll even take that as long as there are no pennies, i have enough of those and they get me nowhere).
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