family gets in first

Apr 08, 2011 23:03


You had better have an awesome day, even though I won't be able to be around for it this year!

Have three reasons you are incredible, in no particular order:

1) You care, deeply. For people, for causes. Your compassion is clear in so many things you do, and speaks highly of you. Never stop caring.

2) You're talented and brilliant. You have issues with your confidence, like perhaps 78% of the people I know, but, like the rest of them, you have plenty of reason to be confident. I seem to attract people on the high-skilled end of the Dunning-Kruger effect, which basically says that people who are unskilled in an area are more likely to overestimate their abilities and the skilled are more likely to underestimate their skill (proving you are awesome -- with SCIENCE). You have so many hobbies and you do them well.

3) You've been so wonderful and thoughtful to me. Just look at this year. An e-mail every day and semi-regular letters, to brighten my day. You've done it without asking the same from me in return...which is good since you haven't gotten it. You've always been so good to me. Glad this sort of thing comes for free, 'cause I doubt I could repay it! Love you lots. ♥

You can't see me, but I am making a heart with my hands, making it exponentially harder to type. Okay, enough of that foolish thumb typing. I hope no one was watching me do that (I'm out in public right now). But I guess I don't really care, because I don't care who knows that I hearts thou.

And, look, I finished this right on time. So have a happy birthday, and a wonderful year. I'm sure good things are coming this year. I can feel it. ♥

Good thing I took the couple of extra minutes to check this over first even if it got me off the exact time, though, because I nearly forgot to close the scrolling tag. Would have made it hard to read this!
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