(no subject)

Jan 04, 2010 12:42

So since the other day a friend of mine asked me if I was dead, I guess I should update this and assure the world that rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated. However, there hasn't been much to say, really. RP has been really great, but for the most part I've wasted away my vacation doing...I don't even know, because it really feels like I got nothing done. And yet I still feel overworked despite having done nothing for weeks, which is pretty dumb. I need a time-turner.

Anyway, that's enough complaining out of me. Welcome to kyio, shiyouxdaemon, whiteadelphi, manlidere, and marbles_chan! (...Okay, I nearly forgot to put one name down. That would have been embarrassing. I hope I haven't forgotten who else is new. I'm really tired today because I couldn't get to sleep on time, okay?)

I'd introduce myself properly, but I think I did that once and I ended up with something where the first response was "you have issues." I'd link it, but I can't remember when it was....oh wait, here it is. It's out of date, so it's probably not worth reading. Let's see if I can do a condensed version or if this will end up horribly long like everything else.

I'm a person who has never really settled on a name, so it's pretty hard to introduce myself. As the journal name implies, I used to refer to myself as Yo-san, but that grew a bit embarrassing after a while. I used to be called Yosh, but after a while this developed into Yosho. A Norma nicknamed me Yosie at some point. Someone typoed my name as Yomishim, which no one ever uses but still holds a dear place in my heart. One person calls me Yobou and I once joked that I should just call myself Bob. Feel free to call me one of these or to make up your own.

The fact that I spent an entire paragraph on my name brings up an important point. I am inclined to ramble. I need to learn the subtle art of being succinct.

Basically, I never talk, but when I do I never shut up. I have an obtuse way of expressing myself, but at times I can be pretty dumb. I seldom comment on people's entries, but I am consistently breathing over people's shoulders like a creeper. I am vastly overconfident except for the times in which I am annoyingly insecure. I am often overly cautious when it comes to what I say, but I can be pretty good at saying very odd things. I riddle my speech with qualifiers like "probably", "sometimes", and "often." I also overuse the word "just."

When you've been on my friends list long enough, maybe you'll learn some of my flaws.

I kid. While I do have my flaws, like everyone else, I think I'm a pretty nice guy overall and my self-esteem is remarkably robust. It takes a lot to get me down.

Oh yeah, I never did get around to saying that I procrastinate, did I?

And, yeah, survey says: fairly long, not much content. My excuse is that I had trouble sleeping last night, but this relies on people not considering what my standard posts are like. My advice is to just go and read back on earlier entries if you want to actually know what I'm like. That's what I'd do. *creeper*


To be honest (hohoho, see what I did there?), I don't usually do these sorts of memes and, since I usually assume people are honest with me, I don't think it's needed for me. BUT I am also unobservant, so if there's something out there that needs to be said of which I am unaware, I guess I should provide the opportunity for whoever to say it, anonymously or not. (Seriously, I don't expect any responses and it doesn't really matter to me either way if it's not needed. But feel free.)

I am certain there was a third thing to go here, but I can't remember. This is normal. OH YES. It's basically a warning that I expect to be particularly busy this month, because I have been putting too much off lately. I'm also going to be away this weekend. So, yes.

(By now, I'm sure that some of you are wondering what you got into by friending me. BUT IT IS TOO LATE. TWO. AH. AH. AH. [/Count laugh])

meme, pointless post is pointless

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