"I Can't Believe I'm a fucking' Senior."

Nov 02, 2005 21:31

"When Drink's Mix loose lips sink ships."
and when kisses don't mean anything anymore; when girls don't stop lieing; when friends misread your words; the homework get to be to long when the whole world seems to bear down on your shoulders, and you can't stop eating, thats when I start to fall apart from the worldand your grip begin's to slip.

so fuck them.

Tonight we beat Lely 6-0 in a pre-season game, I had 2 big saves to preserve the shut-out, we had trouble getting things goin' tonight, nevertheless, we pulled off the victory. Tonights games was sweet sweet revenge for me, because during my freshmen year @ North we were knocked out of the Regional quarter-finals by them we lost 5-2 and I only played 1 half that night, It seems so long ago, when names like Kemp', Tucy, Eddie, Jimmy, Sweet Lou', and Toby ruled the lee county soccer circut, looking back @ my years I can only remember bitterness, sorrow, dissapointment, and unachieved goals, so I Pray that this is a different year, when all of my goals are met, and success is on my side; "I can't believe I'm a fucking' Senior."

A special thanks goes out to all who were gracious enough to come out and support us tonight, thanks 4 the noise, the comrodery, and the emotion, it was well taken by all players and staff.

And an even bigger thanks to those who, hugged me after the game,you know who you are; thanks 4 being there 4 me.

Live in Love, Knowledge is power,

Love, Peter Murphy
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