Jan 11, 2014 13:39
It's been a cold week. A !@#$ cold week. Here in Florida (where most winters are spent in light cardigans), we experienced a low of 18 degrees with a wind chill of Holy Mother of God.
Our two outside dogs spent Tuesday and Wednesday night inside, which was an interesting and exhausting experience for all parties. Mom cleaned their cages and set them inside the kitchen; anyone who wanted to cook dinner was just plain out of luck, since there wasn't enough room to move around with two cages on the floor. Our smaller, ancient dog walked in, thought sweet!, plopped in his cage and went to bed. The larger, younger dog was so excited that we could hear her tail thumping against the cage from the other side of the house. Even at night. Whilst trying to sleep.
Considering the cats, Dad ziptied the cage top to its sides; its sides to the bottom; the front to the sides; the sides to the back. Overkill? Maybe. Effective? Yes.
I am done with you, Florida. You hear me? Done.