Below is a photo of a $35.00 loveseat Mom saw at a thrift store, wanted, and asked Dad and I to procure. So off we went in Old Blue (a '91 Nissan complete with camper shell), never once considering whether a semi-large piece of furniture would fit in a small truck bed. Dad measured the seat, the bed, the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow, and decided that with brute strength and an abuse of physics, the couch would indeed squeeze between the camper shell ceiling and the bed floor.
In theory, the loveseat is a nice place to sit and enjoy our plug-in fireplace-but in reality, it's nothing more than a cat magnet. It averages five felines at any given time. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of our lives.
Regardless of our furniture shenanigans, Saturday was still the most glorious day on record. Why? Because Christmas trees. Yes, Christmas trees. I could shop for one all day. When I was a kid, I looked forward to Christmas because of the beautiful tree; presents were awesome but secondary. Now that I'm an adult and we no longer exchange gifts, trees are front and center. I start researching Christmas crafts in July! I begin making them in September! Ornaments have their own storage chest in my bedroom!
But these past five-ish years, my insistence for a tree have been met with family resistance. Some years they grumbled but agreed; other years we actually argued about it. So for 2013, I resolved to just have an office tree and save everyone the headache. (And honestly? I couldn't afford two trees anyway. Oh, the financial shame!) Dad and I perused the tree selection, found a winner, and took it home. I happily went about my day (whilst eating donuts, because Mom had requested the loveseat and a dozen donuts). And as we were chilling out, content with our adventures (and donuts), Mom said, "You'll regret not having a house tree."
Eh, not really.
"Well," she said, "I think you should go back and get one."
Nope. Besides, it was embarrassing to admit the financial strain.
And then reality shifted around me, and black became white, and cats and dogs lived together, because she said, "I'll buy us one."
Maybe she was happy with the loveseat, or the donuts, or both, but she insisted on a tree, and so Dad and I got back in Old Blue, drove to the market, and bought another one. I got excited once we had it, and put up the lights and decorations that very night.
And that is what you see now.
It needs a topper, skirt, and more lights, but I love it so much!
Sunday was just as good: I got to see the Troll! He introduced me to his favorite Chinese place, we took a stroll through Target (to buy potato chips, of all things), and we watched Johnny Dangerously, which I'd never heard of but really enjoyed. He showed me their family Christmas tree, which is actually a two foot... bush... thing. With very little ornamentation. But to each their own. Some prefer easy-to-care-for bushes; others prefer trees that cost about $40.00, are time consuming to decorate and care for, and will have to be dealt with after January 1st. I am one such individual. Bring on the lights and ornaments and that new evergreen smell!