Better than Panera, even.

Jun 06, 2013 19:13

This morning, I received a call from the Troll. He was standing in the middle of the Stop 'n Rob buying breakfast, and wanted to know if I was interested in an excellent (or so he claimed) egg and cheese croissant. On the one hand, I cringe at the thought of people spending money on my behalf. On the other hand, my stomach was pretty dang interested in having breakfast for once. Ultimately, the item in question was purchased and delivered to my cubicle. My sense of self-importance ballooned to a new and incredible size. (I later learned that he was right: it was a hella good sandwich. I will never doubt his tastes again.)

For lunch: Waffle House. We somehow got on a conversation about their mugs. The Troll inquired whether WH mugs were for sale, and as it turns out, they had two anniversary mugs from last year still waiting to be bought. So he bought them. And now we have matching WH merchandise, because we always take our jokes that one extra mile. (In all seriousness? I love this stupid mug.)

I think Thor would have enjoyed Waffle House. Y/Y?

the troll, pics, rl

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