Jun 24, 2008 23:12
All in all, it's been a mix of awful and awesome days. To start, we had a lightening storm three days ago and it fried our modem, so there was no internet access, which I was fine until I realized my clients' websites couldn't be updated. The Cox people came out today, ran a few tests, said, "It's your modem, sorry," and left. (Naturally, the Lump got it up and running with our old modem, but it might get glitchy after a while.)
On the plus side, I rented Waitress, The Bucket List, and saw Con Air for the first time. Waitress I didn't like so much, but if it has Nathan Fillion, then I'll give it a chance. The Bucket List wasn't half bad (too sad for mom, but that's not unusual), and Con Air is an impossible-scenario, bad-accent, in-your-face mess of explosions and guitar riffs. (In other words, awesome.) How have I never seen that movie before?
I also saw Indy 4. Don't get me wrong, Harrison Ford will always be fantastic... but I just wasn't feeling it. Perhaps it was the crystal skull made of cellophane.
The "awful" part of these past few days is rumor of a housing development being built at the end of our street. Problems: 1) There are an innumerable amount of empty apartments in the city. Some are even offering free rent to get people inside! Why must they build? 2) Our road is small. It's really small and there are no plans to enlarge it. 3) The sewage situation is problematic. I don't have the full details yet, but I hear it'll be built close by. (Like, "Oh god, it's a downwind breeze! Grab the breathing masks!" close by.)
And on the awesome side, Issue had a publishing party, where we could pick up some copies of the magazine and see it firsthand! It was at the founder's home; he bought us pizza and made brownies and we had a ceremonial, drum-roll-please box-opening. The club had five-hundred copies made to dispense on campus at the beginning of the fall semester.