* good Thanksgiving... our bird came out moist, the gravy was awesome and we were all quite stuffed.
* passed my State Board exam despite getting off to a difficult and nerve-wracking start with one of the proctors. I'll be damned if I was going to fail that sucker because I was taught a certain way that the proctor didn't agree with. kicked the holy living crap out of that test!
* almost done with my toughest semester yet... one week and counting. I have a 3-pg paper due and an oral presentation to give in my Physio class tomorrow night, then a Psych test on Thursday, then my Physio final on Monday and my Psych final on Tues. and then I'm FREE!! for a few weeks anyway.
* registered for 2 online classes for Winter session... Sociology and Speech. I'm really bummed my hard sciences classes are all done (until I get into nursing school).
* Joined Twitter, figuring I could embed it in my LiveJournal like
ddelapp does... I'm technologically retarded though and can't figure out how to do it. I thought Twitter would be a good way to at least attempt to keep a regular update going on my LJ. yeah.... this technology stuff is hard!
* through a very circuitous Google route, I found my old college boyfriend (Michael). He's on the faculty of St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis (of all places). I'm on the fence about whether to contact him. Chris says I should go for it and just say hi. I think it might be weird to receive an email from a girl who broke your heart 8 years after the fact, but he doesn't think that'd be the case. Any opinions out there?
* I'm totally procrastinating right now....
* going to make cookies.... more procrastination.....