okay this ia cuz mike post was amazing

Jan 22, 2010 04:03

YEAH!!!! this is cuz mikes ocmment was so amazing i had to post again to kinda conclued to his post,,, aight!?!?! so here whats moim lookinhg fort... i font rtrally care if its spelled corerctely because i dont really spell to much correctly anyways... but heres what transpirering... we are just kidna chilling at my boy dennis house... denis and jessi are dancing.. mikes is is aweomse just hanging out in the chcair sayikng he wants to be immmortal because of moments like this... id have to agree moments like this are great.... i will always remember things like this... people may tell me drinking is bad and you shouldnt do it but to tell you the truth its a lot of fun and if it really were a danger to my health i would stop. but anywaysn i applyed to be a cop and today i got my friend to recommend me <3 and i ran into him at wawa lol... at the time i was with mike and he was pretty drunk... hes good at pulling off hes sober though.. so hes cool im glad cuz i dont think the cop would have handled it well lol.. hes cool and all but i dont know what his attidute towards that is..

but anyways ill have to post again later right now is a lot of fun im just chilling towards csome good music... the old music was emo and right now its rap.. so my mood is different.. my mood is strongly effected by the music that im listening too... i love it... im in a great mood :)

i Love you all

if you're reading it odds are i love you in some way.... :)
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