Fleaker Originally uploaded by
dannytypesthis. "WARNING: the following might contain large amounts of BS, user discretion is advised"
The parent's of girlfriend's wife's friend's friend have obtained a camel - they got a donkey for it's friend. My relationship with this donkey is anything but a trivial matter. But forgetting that for a moment - I was thinking about milking things, like insurance. And I thought, I wonder if you could fool camels to produce milk, load 'em up on hormones like cows. And then you could have camel-milk. Mix it with some chamomile and then you'd have chamomile camel milk. Warmed, it makes the perfect bedtime beverage. Then you could package this in a camo painted box and make a meal (much like oatmeal) and sell it as Camo Chamomile Camel Milk Meal. It seems just as plausible as people eating captain crunch with cows milk and having chamomile tea at night - but I guess the idea has never caught on. The camel is a glorious animal, if you ever have the chance to eat one, you'll agree it's meat is far superior than that of a cow. I have only had the chance but 3 times in my life, and all experiences were splendid. Also, they are big, and run in an awkward gallop. Yes, camels are dear to my heart.
and that's a whole 'nother story.