I know, I know; long time no mod, yeah? I apologize for that, but life got hectic for me, and the, well, lack of participation didn't exactly inspire me to make the effort to keep up with modding. At any rate, this is just a reminder that the community isn't technically dead yet, it's just going to be on a sort of open hiatus until the end of the semester, when I can devote the time it needs again.
Basically, submissions for Week 31 are still open and encouraged. We have one icon at the moment, and I would, ideally, like to see five before we ever move onto voting. Should we manage five icons before the end of the semester (roughly December 15th), I'll go ahead and move us out of hiatus and onto voting.
Until then, this a reminder that you have, roughly, until Friday, December 15th to get your
Week 31 - Less icons in!