sheri from pikeville.
over the top hot woman from surfaced.
bit of a resemblence? yes, and i am sitting here wondering where the hell was i when sheri turned hot? b/c i would hit, i'd hit it like a fleet of mac trucks baby.
in other news, i start work weds.
i hate the fact that i can't lie. i really fucking do. i can't do it when people sit and drill me. telll me these things about how they need to know, b/c they knwo i'm lying, and they know something is going on. i fucking hate lying. but the truth doesn't always set you free. i've come to realize that witihin the past 20 hours or so. and there's nothing i can do about it now. i tinhk this is the one time i feel bad about telling the truth in a's weird, and unnatural to me. i don't like it at all. don't like the situation. but then again where i am today is a consequence of choice i have made in the past. kind of makes me think that my "live for the moment" thing doesn't always work. atleast not in retrospect. in ways i wish the entire thing had never happened. i wished i would have stayed here for thanksgiving. i don't regret it, no use in that, i just think it would have been better for me to stay here. i don't liek the way i behave up there, it's such a fucking negative place. everyone is dying, doing drugs, or cutting themselves. then, then they go on the "draw". i'm glad i'm gone. and i really do pray that i never go back. i dont' like what that place turns things into. it's supernatural at times i believe. the choices you make ther you woldn't make other places. it renders your sense of normality. odd, and fucked up it is.