
Oct 18, 2007 14:57

Okay, seriously... who was it at the big drug companies who decided that the best way to market their drugs was to give them names that comprised mostly 'unusual letters'?  This is my brief shout to the marketing departments of the drug manufacturers:

Dear Marketing guys:

Stop it.  Stop it right now.  Quit naming your products with Z's and X's and Y's and C's.
Take a tip from the personal grooming industry and use words that indicate what the damn thing does (or is supposed to do.)

It's not fun trying to remember whether I'm supposed to talk to my doctor about Zyrtec, Zantac, Zoloft or even Xanax because they all sound the same and I don't remember which one is the one that will cure the ulcer I'm getting from trying not to give people the wrong impression.

Concerta, Cymbalta, Celexa, Celebrex... which one will help me pay attention long enough to remember what is what?  If I go by names, 2 of them belong in an auditorium, one sounds like a long-lost member of the X-Men, and the last one should be a must have at any party.

Don't even get me started on the 'Mycins...

And you know I'd hate to have to try and remember the difference between Vioxx, Viagra and Valtrex... that could prove disasterous on a date.

Please get a clue and quit deluging us with drugs that can easily be confused when sitting on our medicine shelf.

Seriously.  It's time the drug companies started hiring people who can come up with drugs that do what they say they do.  I mean, the FloNase people figured it out...

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