Jun 04, 2009 11:37
My new job is disgusting, it's a filthy place, really dirty. I have to clean men's toilets and showers and a kitchen area along with 2 offices, all of which get covered in tar like oily shit.
I'll just keep thinking about the money.
I've also started learning French, the language has always felt a bit like unfinished business to me, so I have managed to obtain (ahem!) Rosetta Stone along with some languages. It seems really easy and logical so far, although my pronunciation is crap - Not surprising as my whole class got banned from using the language lab at school, two girls spent the whole session discussing Eastenders from the night before and it was all on tape. I don't know which pissed the teacher of more, that they didn't do the work or that they were talking in English!
French lessons were a waste of time - mostly spent watching the Red Devils parachute team practising out of the window. I hated it - but I always felt if the style of teaching wasn't so deathly dull I could have grasped it.
Mind you, they never taught me English grammar so what hope did they have of teaching me French?