Wahaha PV = Adorable + Hentai?!?!?!

Mar 05, 2008 04:31

When I listened to "Wahaha" by Kanjani 8, the first thought that popped into my head was, "Oooh, I want to see the PV, it's bound to be fun~!!!"

And when I heard the PV was out...I immediately went to see it! I LOOOOVEEEEEE it~!!!! and thank you, je mix fansubs for subbing it soooo quickly! the day after it came out, I was surprised to see subs already!!! honmani arigatou~!!! ^_^

And...I never expected I could have hentai thoughts because of that PV. But I managed to have some anyway. Is my mind in the gutter or what?!

Moments that made me think hentai thoughts:

1. When Ryo-chan's thumb was swollen.
jfdfjdlkafjasoiewuroijfkghfkbnmkalkjdka I thought it was...ahem...something else!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I was wondering why...*chokes* it was there...*bricked*

2. When all the boys were in the bath.
Immediate thought: "What I wouldn't give to be in there....even underwater *drowns* Especially somewhere in the vicinity of Ryo-chan *chokes and drowns even more*" Okaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy, Yna-chan. Stop with the thoughts already. But don't we all (Kanjani8 fans) wish we were there somewhere? XD *nosebleed while drowning*

3. The walking bow-legged part
What hentai thing could I have found here? Well... I'd love to be where the camera was...but I'd be looking straight up... *shot through the head*

4. The way Ryo moved his hips at the start of the first chorus
....need I say more? *nosebleed*

5. The way some of the boys keep jumping up and down/moving back and forth rhythmically
Uhm...It kinda reminds me of...something else...all the rhythmic jumping they're doing...
And I just added the part after the "/" when I saw Ryo!!! *dies* If I die due to massive blood loss, you all know who caused it...

Oooookaaaay, now on to the adorable parts. (I put them under separate cuts in case you don't want to read the ecchi thoughts...) These aren't in order of appearance in the PV, I think...but oh well...

1. Tacchon's smile is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE part!!!!
Really. I made it my phone's wallpaper. And I just had to make an icon of it, though this very wonderful laptop which isn't mine doesn't have any good photo editing software, and the only things I can do with pics is crop and resize and some other basic stuff. Ugh. But oh well, it's better than nothing. And the reason I don't install better software: so I have more space for JE vids/jdoramas/other downloads!!! XD nooo, I'm sooo not addicted to JE! *hit by lightning*

And I think Tacchon now holds the #4 spot in my list of fave JE boys. And probably the #1 spot in the "JE boys I want to kiss" list. I don't know why he's #1, he just is. I want to kiss him even more than I want to kiss my most beloved JE boys!!! But like I said in another entry, the first time I wanted to kiss Tacchon was the moment he smiled while singing "Ashita" during the Spirits concert. His smile is to die for!!!! and Nang Trixie dear, gomen, I might not give him back to you after I kiss him after all... XD HONMANI GOMENASAI!!!

2. Ryo-chan singing into a mop brush thing
I don't know why, I just adored this part. I wanted to squish him!!!! Ryo-chan = LOVE!!!! And I LOVE his expression~! It's like he's purposely trying to be cuter or something... XD I don't know why, but I LOVE it~!!! XD

3. Tacchon folding his pant legs up
He looks toooo adorable! He's smiling and everything while folding his pants...HOW COULD HE LOOK SO ADORABLE WHILE DOING SUCH A NORMAL THING?!?!?! If anyone knows, I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me.

4. Yuu's hair catching fire
I love how his hair was hit by lightning-like things at first, then it actually caught fire later!!! LOL, Yuu, you should've gotten away from that thing the first time and electric current hit your hair! but then we would've been deprived of your baka-ness, so all is forgiven XD

5. The way the echoes are actually sung/shown in the PV
Hmm, how can I put this better...? I like the way the focus shifts to who's singing...um, that's not quite right, either! Let's see...at the part where they sing "Boku ga waraeba (boku ga waraeba)" notice how the main group of people who are singing at the moment are right in your face...? and the "whoohoohoohooh!" part, Yasu and Maru are focused...does that make things clearer? I don't know... fails at the explanation basta, I like how they did those parts.

6. Subaru's mouth getting sucked into the vacuum, then Subaru getting sucked in
I dunno, it's just so...zen zen muri desu yo! But though it's impossible, it's fun anyway... XD

7. The way Yasu keeps popping up behind Tacchon and Tacchon bonks him on the head with a ridiculous PINK and yellow mallet....and Subaru pops up later, too
It's so adorkable... 'nuff said. Yasu is like a little kid! And Subaru...he doesn't want to be left out, does he?

8. Yassu's a BEEEEEEEE~!!!!!!
It's soooo unexpected!!! And soooooo cute~!!!! XD But why a bee? and why so suddenly? *wonders about it then shrugs it off* oh well, he makes an adorable bee, anyway~!! ^_^

9. Yuu popping in randomly with a word or two
Poor Yuu, getting so few...um, words to sing... But he pops in front of the camera unexpectedly while singing (or saying?) the word/s he has, so you can't say he has no screen time... XD

10. The slow-motion falling scenes
I soooooo love those~!!! [What's with the bread, though? I totally don't get it!]
Ryo-chan and Tacchon look adorable while falling~!!!

Yna to the Kanjani boys (especially Ryo-chan, Tacchon and Yassu) "Awww, my poor loves...where does it hurt? Here, let me cushion your fall...and no, don't hurry to get up...you're not heavy at all~!"

Hina looks like he's eating a bubble or something...and the best expression award while falling goes to...Maruyama Ryuhei!!! LOL, he looks so ridiculously blank! XD I love it! is that weird of me?

Edit: mujun said that those things flying around might be cleaning brushes...and since that makes a LOT more sense Yna=baka because she NEVER thought those might be anything other than bread XD I'm going to go with what she said... ^_^

11. Ryo-chan making a heart out of two pieces of bread cleaning brushes
It's adorkable! He's soooo cute~!!! *wishes she was one of those pieces of bread cleaning brushes just so Ryo-chan would look at her lovingly*

12. Ryo-chan covering Yassu's face and Yassu moving his hands out of the way
It's just so silly! Ang kulit!!!! XD no idea how to translate what I just said...which happens a lot, I guess, since I can't find exact translations for some of the words in the languages I know

13. Maru suddenly opening the door and doing whatever...and kinda failing
...I don't know what else to say about this...gambare, Maru! your failing is kinda fun to watch, though...XD

14. Maru's "Ha-haha-ha-ha!" at the end!
It's just soooo funny~!!! Maru's facial expressions WIN in this PV~!!! XD

And last but definitely not the least:

15. The half-smiles
I adore Tacchon's scoff/smile! And Ryo-chan with one corner of his mouth going up! And Maru!!!! *dies laughing* his expression is just soooo funny~!!!

and there...I think I pretty much covered things... XD It's sooo long, but I just HAD to include these parts! Hmm, should I picspam? But by now, everyone's probably seen the PV anyway...

on another note...I want to make a new blogcrew!!! But I don't know what to make next...

And I'm probably not going to post a blogcrew this week... I'm pretty busy right now, coz a lot of the kids at the tutorial center have finals this week...and finals = more students who suddenly feel the need to be tutored. So, I'll probably spend more time there and tutor more kids. And I get home exhausted after tutoring, so...I won't have much time to update... In fact, I'm wondering why I'm not knocked out right now, after spending 3 hours tutoring.

...and I suddenly feel sleepy. Ok, it's about 4am now...I guess I have to go to sleep. Have to have more energy to tutor tomorrow! Gambarimasu!

nishikido ryo, ohkura tadayoshi, fangirling, whatever, kanjani8

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